Home » Shop » Collector Grade Megalodon Teeth » Collector Quality Megalodon Shark Tooth – #47

Collector Quality Megalodon Shark Tooth – #47



4 3/8″ – Megalodon Tooth with Black Root and Tan Enamel
Excellent Chevron

Sharp Serrations

Out of stock

SKU: stcol-047 Category: Tag:

Let’s take a look at the parts of a perfect tooth. The perfect tooth would not have restoration or repair.
Root : The roots will be smooth with no chips. It may have some shallow hydration cracks that are acceptable or not visible at all.

Bourlette : This is the border between the crown and root on the lingual side of the tooth. It is identified by a chevron-shaped feature called the bourlette or dental band. This chevron area has a thin layer of enamel. the perfect tooth would have 100% of this enamel.

Enamel: The enamel will be complete with no peel from the tip to the beginning of the root on the Labial side or from the tip to the bourlette on the Lingual side.

Serrations: Serrations, if this particular species has serrations would be complete with no chips on both the Mesial side and distal side of the tooth.

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