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Rare 6 Inch Megalodon Shark Teeth

6 inch megalodon tooth

Looking for an impressive Megalodon tooth without breaking the bank? Our Commercial Megalodon teeth offer the perfect balance of affordability and quality.

What are Commercial Megalodon Teeth?

  • Complete & Affordable: These teeth feature a complete root and good enamel coverage on both sides, at an accessible price point.
  • Minor Imperfections: Some minor chips and enamel wear are acceptable, making them ideal for new collectors or budget-conscious enthusiasts.

A vs. B Grade:

We offer A and B Grade Commercial Megalodon teeth, allowing you to choose the right level of quality for your needs.

Collector Grade vs. Commercial:

  • Collector Grade: For the discerning collector, we offer Megalodon teeth with exceptional enamel, root quality, and intricate details like serrations and a well-preserved chevron/bourlette.
  • Commercial Grade: Commercial Megalodon teeth may have minimal to no serrations due to natural wear and tear from the environment.

Understanding Megalodon Size:

  • Size Range: Megalodon teeth range from 1 inch to 7 inches, with the largest teeth coming from sharks estimated to be around 56 feet long!
  • Measurement Guide: We measure teeth along the diagonal of the upper primary cusp.

Choosing Your Perfect Megalodon:

Megalodon teeth are chosen for their unique characteristics, including:

  • Color: Variations from white to creamy beige and even dark brown.
  • Shape: Each tooth boasts a unique and captivating form.
  • Coolness & Sexiness: It’s all about personal preference!

Start Your Megalodon Journey Today!

Explore our collection of Commercial Megalodon teeth and find the perfect prehistoric treasure for you!

Showing 1 - 30 out of 30

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Products Price Click to View
6" - Megalodon Tooth with Dark Brown Root, Brown and Tan Enamel
6  1/16  + " - Megalodon Tooth with Black Root, Dark Gray Enamel Slightly Hooked 100% Natural NO RESTORATION
6  1/16" - Megalodon Tooth with Gray Root, Gray Tan Enamel 25% Restoration
6 1/4" - Megalodon Tooth with Dark Brown Root, Dark Brown and Gray Mottled Enamel
6  1/4" - Megalodon Tooth with Dark Brown Gray Root, Slate Gray Tan Enamel 25% Restoration
6  1/16" - Megalodon Tooth with Dark Gray Root, Dark Slate Gray Enamel 20% Restoration
6  3/16+" - Megalodon Tooth with Dark Gray Root, Dark Slate Gray Enamel 15% Restoration
6 1/16" - Megalodon Tooth with Dark Brown Root, Brown and Tan Enamel
6" - Megalodon Tooth with Brown Root and Speckaled Tan Enamel - No Restoration
6 1/8" - Megalodon Tooth with Dark Brown Root, Dark Brown and Gray Mottled Enamel
6  1/8  + " - Megalodon Tooth with Brown Root, Multi-colored Tan Enamel Pointy & Serrated 15% restoration
6  1/16  + " - Megalodon Tooth with Brown Root, Multi-colored Tan Enamel Thick & Serrated 15% restoration
6  1/2  + " - Megalodon Tooth with Black Root, Multi-colored Gray Enamel Hooked & Very Sharp 20% restoration
6  1/4  + " - Megalodon Tooth with Brown Root, Multi-colored Brown Enamel Serrated & Pointy 5% restoration
6 1/16" - Large Megalodon Tooth with Dark Brown Root and Tan Enamel
6 inch megalodon tooth
6 3/8" - Megalodon Tooth with Dark Brown Root and Slate Tan Enamel - No Restoration
6" - Megalodon Tooth with Dark Brown Root, Brown and Tan Enamel with Barnacle
6 1/8" - Megalodon Tooth with Dark Brown Root and Dark Brown and Gray Enamel - No Restoration
6 1/16" - Megalodon Tooth with Dark Brown Root and Dark Brown Enamel - No Restoration
6 1/4" - Megalodon Shark Tooth with Brown Root with Tan Enamel - 100% Authentic with NO Restoration
6 1/8" - Megalodon Tooth with Dark Brown Root, Brown and Tan Enamel
6 1/8" - Megalodon Tooth with Dark Brown Root, Brown and Gray Enamel
6 1/8" - Megalodon Tooth with Dark Brown Root, Gray Enamel with 2 % Restoration to Enamel
6 1/4+Dark Brown Root, Tan Enamel 15% Restoration to Root and Enamel
6  5/16" - Megalodon Tooth with Dark Gray Root, Slate Gray Tan Enamel Beautiful Colors 5% Restoration
6" - Megalodon Tooth with Dark Gray Root, Gray Enamel 3% Restoration
6 1/16" - Megalodon Tooth with Brow Root and Uniform Brown Enamel - Manager's Choice - No Restoration
6 1/8" - Large Megalodon Tooth with Dark Brown Root and Tan Enamel
6 1/2" - Megalodon Tooth with Brown Root, Slate Gray Enamel with 25% Restoration
6 1/16" - Large Megalodon Tooth with Dark Brown Root and Tan Enamel
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